Full Renovation
A full renovation gives you the opportunity to start from scratch, if your lawn has become overrun with weeds or you’d like a brand new uniform type of grass, the full reno is for you. The process begins with using a glyphosate based herbicide to kill all grass and weeds to the roots, this can sometimes be a multiple application process to ensure the full death of the weeds. We also have offerings that utilize less chemical based herbicides such as natural mixtures that have similar effects. When the ground has been cleared we utilize processes such as aeration and dethatching to open up the soil, then we topdress the lawn with high quality substrate that has certain quanitites of sand, compost, and peat moss to ensure the perfect soil composition for your existing soil and future lawn needs. With a high quality seedbed in place we spread seed of your choosing options for the areas we service include Perennial Ryegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Tall and Fine Fescues, and a few others depending on the level of sunlight and soil composition. With our seeds in place we move to spreading a layer of peat moss over the seeds, this ensures the seeds stay moist and can help with a certain amount of erosion if rain washouts occur. We do offer post renovation mowing services with reel mowers that do not damage the new grass and keep things a uniform height.